November, 2008
     This Meeting had its origin in an initiative of a group of researchers and professors with common interests in Fluid Dynamics. The initial group was formed by people working in the following three institutions:
     the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA),
     the former Comité Argentino de Transferencia de Calor y Materia (CAMAT) and,
     the Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos (IFLYSIB).

     These people were convened at the First International Seminar on Present Problems in the Physics of Liquids and Related Applications, held in Tandil in December 1989. The meeting gathered more than 70 participants including researchers, graduate and advanced students, and a small number of scientists from USA and Chile.

     This seminar initiated a series of meetings which were held every other year, and that up to 1995 were hosted by the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and organized by Prof. Roberto Gratton UNCPBA), Prof. Víctor Kuz (IFLYSIB), and Eng. Juan Carlos Ferreri (CAMAT).

     In 1997, the Meeting was organized by Dr. Adriana Fornés in Mendoza (10 to 13th November), near the Andes, hosted by the Universidad de Cuyo. In 1999 the Seminar was held in Paraná, Entre Ríos, with the support of the Asociación Física Argentina. It was coordinated by Profs. Fernado Saita and María Delia Giavedoni.

     The basic objective of the Meetings consolidated in that period, namely: providing a forum to facilitate the interaction between participants in a friendly academic atmosphere. This goal is achieved by means of lectures and technical presentations on different subjects and from different points of view, the only constraint being the current academic/technical interest. Examples of lecture topics taken from previous Meetings are: Suspension Dynamics, Capillary Flows, Crystal Growth, Elastic-Dynamics, Spreading of Viscous flows, Physics of Droplets and Bubbles, Physics of Turbulence, Stellar Winds, Instabilities, Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Petroleum Engineering, etc. Applications usually dealt with problems of local interest.

The above mentioned objective complements with the following:
• to promote the knowledge of the advancement of Science in relation to Fluid Dynamics in different research groups in Argentina and abroad;
• to promote the cooperation and the exchange among researchers and, fundamentally:
• to allow young researchers, postgraduate students and advanced students to get acquainted with the current status of Fluid Dynamics research.

     In order to attain those objectives, the Seminar activities are organized on the basis of contributed and invited lectures and poster sessions. Lecturers are invited to deliver their talks in 40 minutes with additional 10 minutes devoted to questions and comments. Lectures are always plenary.

     The main interest is giving the audience the opportunity to learn about the state of the art in the selected topic and/or getting acquainted with local, well-established research projects.

     On the other hand, the poster sessions enable the presentation of the results of significant researches and developments of a more restricted scope. Breaks and get-together activities offer additional opportunities to share professional skills and experience.

     The 7th edition of the Meetings was held in Buenos Aires from 17th to 19th October 2001. The local organizing committee, headed by Eng. Juan Carlos Ferreri, organized the meeting in a modern downtown hotel of the city.

     The 8th Meeting was held in Tandil from 12th to 14th November 2003 at the Centro Cultural Universitario (UNICEN). The conference was sponsored by the División de Fluidos y Plasmas (AFA) and it was coordinated by Drs. Javier Diez and Luis P. Thomas (Fluid Dynamics Group, IFAS) and by Dr Alejandro Clause (Plasma Physics Group, IFAS).

     The local University (UNICEN) as well as CONICET supported the event, which was characterized by the large number of participants both locally and from abroad who presented lectures and posters within a large number of topics.

     Mendoza was the location of the last conference that took place between the 1st and the 3rd November 2006. The meeting was organized by the Laboratory of Reservoirs and Petrochemistry (FI, UNC) leaded by Dr. Adriana Fornés and was hosted by the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. In addition to members of Argentinian research groups, researchers from Venezuela, United Kingdom, and Brazil attended the Conference.
November 08
Previous Meetings